A.H. Gardiner Settlement

A.H. Gardiner Settlement

Subject Area: Egyptology
Chair: Professor Richard Parkinson - richard.parkinson@orinst.ox.ac.uk
Administrator: Trust funds administrator - trustfunds@orinst.ox.ac.uk

Previous Awards:

  • Grants to Postgraduates
  • Travel and Subsistence
  • Student Bursaries
  • Enabling Egyptian Egyptologists to visit the UK to carry out research on their own projects


  1. The benefaction arising from the A.H. Gardiner Settlement for Egyptological Purposes of 10 March 1939 shall form a fund, the net income of which shall be expended for the general purposes of Egyptology.
  2. The fund shall be administered by the Board of the Faculty of Oriental Studies.
  3. Regulation 2 above may be amended by Council.

Standing Order

See Griffith Institute

OS No. 12 SOF B1217 Index AM/10


Fund Applications


To apply, please fill out the application form and return it to trustfunds@ames.ox.ac.uk It is always advisable to contact trustfunds@ames.ox.ac.uk if you have any queries regarding your application to any of the Trust Funds listed on the Faculty Website.