Marjory Wardrop Fund

Marjory Wardrop Fund

Subject Area: The language, literature and history of Georgia
Chair: Dr Gillian Evison -
Administrator: Trust funds administrator -

Previous Awards:

  • Grant to support one academic year while studying art and culture of 17th-century Iran 
  • Grant towards travel expenses in relation to a study trip to Georgia


Statutes 2000, Title XVI, section LVII., pp. 165-6. 61.1. The main object of the Marjory Wardrop Fund shall be the encouragement of the study of the language, literature, and history of Georgia, in Transcaucasia, and in particular:

(1) the improvement and increase of the Georgian section of the Bodleian Library;

(2) the publishing, or assisting in the publication of, Georgian and English works on the language, literature, or history of Georgia;

(3) the assistance of carefully selected British students to study the language, literature, and history of Georgia;

(4) the public teaching, and encouragement of the study, in Oxford, of the language, literature, and history of Georgia.

61.2. There shall be a board of management for the fund, which shall at its discretion, and in such manner and at such times as it may judge most expedient, apply the net income arising from the fund, and from any additional gifts or bequests which may be made in augmentation of the fund, to one or more of the purposes specified in section 61.1. above.

61.3. The board of management shall consist of:

(1) a person appointed by the Curators of the University Libraries;

(2) a person appointed by the Board of the Faculty of Medieval and Modern Languages;

(3) a person appointed by the Curators of the Oriental Institute;

(4) a person appointed by Council;

(5) a person, being a member of Convocation and of Balliol College, appointed by the Master and Fellows of Balliol College.

61.4. (1) Each appointed member of the board of management shall hold office for five years and shall be re-eligible.

(2) The board shall have power to co-opt up to two additional members for periods of five years.

61.5. Congregation may from time to time amend this Part so long as the main object of the fund, as defined in section 61.1 above, is always kept in view.

Standing Order

Marjory Wardrop Fund

The Curators of the Oriental Institute shall appoint one representative to the board of management for the fund for five years, who shall be re-eligible. The fund shall be administered in accordance with Statutes, 2000, Ch.XVI. Sect. LVII, p. 166. Grants made by the board of management shall not be subject to a specific spending limit, although the expenditure shall be reported to the Faculty Board from time to time.

Committee Members

  • Professor Donald Rayfield
  • Professor Theo van Lint
  • Dr Jan Fellerer
  • Dr John-Paul Ghobrial
  • Dr Gillian Evison
OS No. 33 SOF B1529 Index WM/1


Fund Applications


To apply, please fill out the application form and return it to It is always advisable to contact if you have any queries regarding your application to any of the Trust Funds listed on the Faculty Website.