Sarah J Clackson Coptic Fund

Sarah J Clackson Coptic Fund

Subject Area: Coptic
Chair: Faculty board chair -
Administrator: Trust funds administrator -

Previous Awards:


§ 56. Sarah J. Clackson Coptic Fund

[Made by Council, 20 January 2005]

1. The sums contributed by friends and colleagues in memory of Sarah J. Clackson will provide travel and research grants to anyone undertaking work on Coptic manuscripts including the viewing, preparation, and recording of the material, but not conservation.

2. The Board of the Faculty of Oriental Studies shall be the board of management for the fund, and shall determine the value of the awards and the terms on which they are awarded. Any unspent income which is not re-invested or carried forward for use in subsequent years may be applied at the discretion of the board of management in some other way consistent with the promotion of the study of Coptic.

3. Regulation 2 above may be amended by Council.

Standing Order

Committee of Management for the Sarah J Clackson Coptic Fund

The fund shall be administered by a committee set up by the Oriental Studies Board, comprising the chair of the Board ex officio who shall be the chair of the committee; the Reader in Egyptology and Coptic ex officio; the Professor of Egyptology ex officio; and one further member appointed by the Oriental Studies Board, to be appointed by the faculty board for three years and capable of reappointment.

The duties of the committee shall be:

(a) to make or recommend grants to anyone within or outside the University, for work on Coptic manuscripts, including the viewing, preparation and recording of material, but excluding conservation;

(b) to make or recommend other grants for purposes connected with the advancement of Coptic Studies within or outside the University

(c) to advertise the availability of funds as widely as possible.

(d) to produce an annual report on the activities of the committee to send to the Board and to the main benefactors.

The committee shall be empowered to make grants of up to £600 provided that such grants are reported to the next meeting of the board. For grants of over £600 the committee shall submit recommendations for the board’s approval.

Any surplus income remaining in the funds over and above that awarded for the foregoing purposes shall at the discretion of the board either be carried forward for expenditure in a subsequent year or be applied to support the advancement of Coptic Studies in the University.

Committee Members

  • Faculty Board Chair
  • Professor Mark Smith
  • Professor Richard Parkinson
  • Dr David Taylor
OS No. 39 SOF B1701 Index II/44


Fund Applications


To apply, please fill out the application form and return it to It is always advisable to contact if you have any queries regarding your application to any of the Trust Funds listed on the Faculty Website.