Mustafa Badawi Prize in Modern Arabic Literature

Mustafa Badawi Prize in Modern Arabic Literature

Subject Area: Modern Arabic Literature
Chair: Faculty board chair -
Administrator: Trust funds administrator -

Previous Awards:

  • The Faculty Board of Oriental Studies may award a Prize each year to the candidate who has written the best English essay on some aspect of modern Arabic literature, both poetry and prose. Candidates for the Prize are free to choose their own subject for treatment. Essays must be typewritten and must not exceed 15,000 words in length (including footnotes, appendices and bibliographies). The essay must show sensitivity to modern Arabic literary texts as well as some originality and skill in critical analysis. 


§ 13. Mustafa Badawi Prize in Modern Arabic Literature

[Made by the General Purposes Committee of Council on 22 June 2007]

1. The donations from Dr Mustafa Badawi together with any further donations for this purpose, shall be known as the “Mustafa Badawi Prize in Modern Arabic Literature”.

2. The University shall retain all of the donations as a permanent endowment and shall apply the net income of the donations towards the object of the Fund, which shall be to award a Prize each year to the candidate who has written the best English essay on some aspect of modern Arabic literature of up to 15,000 words. Candidates for the Prize are free to choose their own subject for treatment. Essays must be typewritten or printed and must not exceed 15,000 words in length (including footnotes, appendices and bibliographies). The essay must show sensitivity to modern Arabic literary texts as well as some originality and skill in critical analysis.

3. The Board of the Faculty of Oriental Studies shall be responsible for the administration of the Fund.

4. The Faculty Board shall award the Prize to the candidate who has submitted the best essay. The Faculty Board may decline to award a Prize in any year if no candidate has achieved a suitable standard. The Prize is open to all members of the University who shall not have exceeded twenty-one terms from the date of their matriculation. The Prize may not be awarded twice to the same person.

5. Any unspent income may be carried forward for use in subsequent years.

6. These regulations may be amended by Council provided the object as specified in regulation 2 is kept in view.

Standing Order

Mustafa Badawi Prize in Modern Arabic Literature

The Faculty Board shall award Prizes each year, on the recommendation of the examiners, to the candidate who has written the best English essay on some aspect of modern Arabic literature, in accordance with Statutes 2000, as amended in the Gazette, 22 June 2007.

Committee Members

  • Faculty Board Chair
  • Prof Margaret Hillenbrand
  • Prof Eugene Rogan
  • Prof Barend ter Haar
  • Prof Polly O'Hanlon
  • Mrs Jieun Kiaer
  • Prof Edmund Herzig
  • Dr Nadia Jamil
  • Prof Dominic Brookshaw
  • Prof Martin Goodman
  • Prof Laurent Mignon
  • Prof Julia Bray
  • Prof Imre Bangha
  • Prof Rachel Murphy
OS No. 43 SOF B1749 Index II/51


Fund Applications


To apply, please fill out the application form and return it to It is always advisable to contact if you have any queries regarding your application to any of the Trust Funds listed on the Faculty Website.